Saturday, May 20, 2006

Welcome to Crimson Screens online!

Greetings! Well, it has been over a year since the last print issue was made and since time constraints, at the time being, really limit the chance to do another print issue, I figure I can do this and update it multiple time a week and keep this whole mess going. Deal? Deal! For now, I will stick to reviews and commentaries, but later on, I will add an occasional interview. I will review just about anything I see, from horror to comedy to mainstream movies. But... the movies I review will fit in to the Crimson Screens label... Strange, odd, violent, weird, bloody, funny, makes no sense, exciting, boring, etc. Got it? Good. I will have articles from time to time, with my thoughts on various things in the world of cinema. Hey, most of the stuff I will be writing about will be horror, or similar movies, so don't get all sad if you have come here expecting something else. Horror is what I know and it is mostly what I watch. But of course, from time to time, there will be other items reviews or talked about. Time will tell.
Also, a new print issue will eventually be released, as will a long in the works Crimson Screens book-type project. Those are both way off in the future though. So be patient.
Ok, enjoy!


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