Monday, October 23, 2006

Crimson Screens reaches new levels of disgust while viewing "The Covenant"...

Crimson Screens reaches new levels of disgust while viewing "The Covenant"...

This movie was in theatres for two weeks tops before it was quickly forgotten. In fact, I don't think anyone cared about it to begin with. Most early reviews had it labeled as a gender switched rip off of 'The Craft". Whatever. I wasn't about to waste money on this in the theatre, but when it appreared recently in the dollar theatre, and I had seen everything else I currently wanted to see, I gave in and saw this.
First, and I didn't know this before i went to see this, but this movie is directed by Renny Harlin, director of a lot of bad movies. If his name isn't enough to send you running into the night, then perhaps the rest of the movie will.
The story revolves around some boys at a private school and hey hey, they happen to have supernatural powers. Yes, there are some elements of "The Craft" here, the small amount of cleverness that made that movie at least bearable to watch once, are all absent here. Also, absent would be good acting and oh my, the pace is sooooooooo slow. It took forver for this movie to get anywhere and when it gets to where it is going, it is not very cool or interesting. There is some mildly entertaining CGI and a lot of car nonsense, but not enough to save the rest. Lot of shirtless guys though, if that is your thing, but if you don't frequent sausage parties, then forget it.
This was really boring, now that I think about it some more. The theatre was about half full when I saw it and by the end, I say about seventy five percent of the people had left, never to return, hahahaha, like a shitty slasher movie. Damn, one of those would have been better than this though. The end is a set up, I guess, for a sequel. If that happens, it will go straight to video and you can skip right over it on the shelf at the video store. I hated this movie. It was boring and the very small amount mof good stuff in it was smothered by the crap. Ugh! Next!
Hey, Saw 3 comes out Friday and then on Monday and Tuesday night, they are showing Halloween. I will see it Monday night. I guess it has some cool interviews and stuff added before the movie. We will see. I'm guessing Saw 3 will be alot like Saw 2, nothing amazing, but something fun to watch once. Halloween is required viewing though, and as I have never seen it in a theatre, I will be there. OUT.


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